Thursday, November 26, 2020


To construct a 70' x 36' house with a 30x40 attached garage. Online Permits Welcome, Guest! Existing mobile to be removed within 1 year. To install a proper sanitary system to include a 2 compartment tank and a gal lift tank with a sq ft mound. Land Use Permit for 1 a 40ft x 75ft storage building having a peak height of 25ft.
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Stairs not to exceed 4ft in width.

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All setbacks are to be doubled. Not increasing animal units. Online Permits Welcome, Guest! Landings not to a41c 32sqft. View Permit Swanville Twp To construct a 70' x 36' house with a 30x40 attached garage. To move on a 12 x 60 mobile with a 12 x 15 enteryway. The electricity generated will be for the buildings onsite the extra will be back to the power grid.

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To erect a 28' x 59' house with a 8' x 30' roofed patio and a 28' x 34' attached garage. To move on a 16 x 80 mobile home, install a septic system including a a441x 2 compartment tank and a 10' x 40' mound drainfield.

To install a property sanitary system to include a gal 2-comp tank and a gal lift tank with a sq ft mound.

To install a proper sanitary system to include a gal two compartment tank with square feet of drainfield trenches. To construct a 48' x 48' storage shed to be used for personal storage, not to 32s 25' in height. To install a proper sanitary system to include a gallon holding tank.

Install a replacement septic w41x - gallon two-compartment tank and a square foot mound drainfield. To move on a 14 x 70 mobile home and to install a proper sanitary system to include gal tanks and a sq ft at-grade. Go Per Page Page Page: House and garage will be 18' high.

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Existing mobile to be removed within 1 year. Type III due to going over old drainfield.

To erect a 10 x 30 lean onto existing garage to be used for personal storage. To install a proper sanitary septic system to include a gal 2-comp tank with a sq ft mound. To construct a sq ft house, including aa41x 5 x 42 covered porch and a sq ft attached garage. To install a proper sanitary system to include a gallon two compartment septic tank with sq ft of drainfield trenches.

Septic is sized large enough for the extra bedroom. To install a proper sanitary system to include a 2 compartment tank and a gal lift tank with a sq ft mound. To construct a 29' x 56' dwelling with a 30' x 40' detached garage. To erect a 26 x 36 house addition.

Construct a 36' x 64' pole shed with 12' leans off both sides - for personal storage. To erect a 26 x 28 attached garage to be used 32s personal storage.

View Permit Swan River Twp To install a proper sanitary system to include a gallon two compartment septic tank with a sq ft mound. To construct a 26' x 32' 3 sided lean to house 8 cattle. To install a proper sanitary system to include using the existing gallon septic tank add a new gallon lift station and a sq ft pressure bed. To install a proper sanitary septic system to include a gal 2-comp tank with a sq ft mound View Permit Swanville Twp

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