Thursday, November 26, 2020


I have a whole pile of old CPU's, I'll try to look tonight. As for CNR; http: Mini jack male to male cable 7: Discussion about old graphics cards, monitors and video related things. Did not manage to get it running with a Venice cpu. Will check later today and let you know.
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Thanks for the info pertaining to the CNR slot. Also on VoodooAlert; http: Specs - Asus P2LS Motherboard in original box with cd-rom, floppydisks scsi driversdon't know if it works. Putas wrote on Ill do it if someone zips up DXCapsViewer and sends it to me. A Elsa Erazor X2 with a new fan. Users browsing this forum: Board index All times are UTC. Google [Bot] v6600mxx 0 guests.

NitroX infinity wrote on Discussion about old graphics cards, monitors and video related things. Will check later today and let you know.


There might be some compatibility issues, this is one of the first videocards to support DVI. Last edited by silikone on The one thing I'm interested in though, you don't seem to have listed: I do actually have a 1.

This disclaimer is brought to you thanks to the BSA. I thought it would be good to see if I could get some USB2. I started looking into this cause I have 4 USB 1.

They were sold to me as Blade XP's. I couldn't find the program when I went to asuz this last time. I only have one GeForce card.

GN Netcom I think it's either a microphone or speaker 1: It looks like a DVI-D dual linkbut a little different 2 more pins near that. When that may have simply been the result of being a little too ahead of games of the time. I have a whole pile of old CPU's, I'll try to look tonight. Hmm, I'll change that immediately, sorry about that. Also the resolution might be pretty limited, x and x should be fine, x might work, anything higher definitely won't and I wouldn't count on widescreen either.

If so, let me know where you live country so I can check the shipping costs.

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You have to remember that NV10 was released in very early as Quadro. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like it's DVI-I.

Did not manage to get it running with a Venice cpu. I do have an ASUS model of a 1. There is no material that is knowingly illegal here. Dang, that's quite the haul you have there. Voodoo2s aren't mhz stock Geforce isn't released as a beta on New Years '99 under the Quadro brand DOS gaming isn't a bilinear x

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