Thursday, November 26, 2020


There is an option to scan the USB ports again but even after replugging in the mouse, it still does not recognize the mouse without a reboot. This gaming mouse worked for me for about 4 or 5 days after receiving it in the mail, but then the next day or so when I just happened to leave the computer, while is was still on for a while, and return to the desktop, I immediately found out that the mouse pointer was unresponsive. What can I do to fix this problem? This topic has been archived. By using this site, you accept the Terms of Use and Rules of Participation. Didn't find what you were looking for? The software that I installed for the HP gaming mouse at times does not recognize my mouse is plugged in.
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Still trying to find a solution to a very weird problem, otherwise giving up on this and either getting the one almost the same to this HP Laser Gaming Mouse with VoodooDNA made by ASUS, which doesn't have any problems like this one, or a Logitech wireless mouses.

The weird thing for me is that I can still use the "5 programmable buttons" on the mouse, but I can't seem to move the mouse pointer that laseg stationary on the screen, as if the mouse pointer is on a different driver and completely unresponsive.

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HP Laser Gaming Mouse with VoodooDNA

I'm assuming that this problem, with the error message will persist with other brand new mouses of this kind or is it just luck? I am still very disappointed for such witu mouse to fail greatly on a part, what is wrong with HP?

Didn't find what you vlodoodna looking for? This topic has been archived. The software that I installed for the HP gaming mouse at times does not recognize my mouse is plugged in. When I leave my pc on for a period of time or when Gamng wake it up from sleep mode, the HP program tells me that the computer does not recognize the mouse is plugged in and the mouse sensitivity will be messed up. I have to also keep alongside with the gaming mouse, a regular mouse, which is Logitech and rather more stable just to move the freaking mouse pointer.

Problem with my HP laser gaming mouse with VoodooDNA - HP Support Community -

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Message 1 of 2. Note on archived topics. I would then have to reboot my pc every time I have this problem.

Information and links in this thread may no longer be available or relevant. There is an option to scan the USB ports again but even after replugging in the mouse, it still does not recognize the mouse without a reboot.

voodooddna Message 2 of 2. This gaming mouse worked for me for about 4 or 5 days after receiving it in the mail, but then the next day or so when I just happened to leave the computer, while is was still on for a while, and return to the desktop, I immediately found out that the mouse pointer was unresponsive.

What can I do to fix this problem?

I'm thinking that the error message, more signifies the unresponsiveness of the on-screen mouse pointer, to my mose disappointment of such a beautiful mouse for both gaming and daily use.

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